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lan Intel I225-V/I225-LM Rev 1.x Lan Controllers Firmware Version 1.89

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Re: Intel I225-V/I225-LM Rev 1.x Lan Controllers Firmware Version 1.89

1 年 2 个月 �
Can nvmupdatew64e "see" the NIC?

Can you post the content of:

nvmupdatew64e.exe -i -l yourlogname.log

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Re: Intel I225-V/I225-LM Rev 1.x Lan Controllers Firmware Version 1.89

1 年 2 个月 � - 2 周 6 天 �
Hello everyone,
I think I can help some of you. The vulnerability of this i225-v card makes it probably 'unbrickable'. Yes, it is true. I wanted to create an universal program for fixing Intel cards but there are few problems, especially legal ones.

Building the own file is not easy for beginners.
I am still looking for an easier solution and maybe one day I will be able to release the program or write an article with a procedure. For now, there is too much possible ways and my apps are not ready to publish.

For now, I help people to unbrick their network cards using the remote desktop. Firstly I create the proper file and then I use my own apps for the remotely unbricking the card.
It is safe and last 5 minutes. Only few minutes of using my software for recovering the firmware and eeprom. If someone is interested, write me an email with any info, screens, backups, etc. I will look into them and determine a way of the unbricking. The majority of time takes me creating the proper file. After that I need about 5 minutes in the remote desktop (teamviewer or whatever... just need to see some values and calculate all needed checksums).

PS. I've unbricked ~200 cards already with 100% of a success. Mostly the integrated cards on Gigabyte mainboards.

PS2. I don't have much time for that but I would try to answer everybody. Please be patient.

PS3. Does anyone have an access to the latest Intel Network Connection Tools (Quartzville) and would provide me those files? The 1.89 firmware has some improvements and older versions of tools don't fully work (ex. full eeprom erase, 1.89's eeprom has auto-recovery function).

I have got all firmware files for i225 and i226 series of intel nic cards. I can unlock hidden features, change leds colors, add PXE to 1M firmware and much more.

Contact me: i225v@outlook.com
Last edit: 2 周 6 天 � by QuadDamage.
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Re: Intel I225-V/I225-LM Rev 1.x Lan Controllers Firmware Version 1.89

1 年 1 个月 �
hi, i have installed this 1.89 version on my card and i want to return back to the previous version 1.58 if i'm not wrong, i made a backup before update to this version, there's some way to restore the previous version using the backup file?

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Re: Intel I225-V/I225-LM Rev 1.x Lan Controllers Firmware Version 1.89

1 年 1 个月 �
Yes, it is possible. Read my post above. Contact me i225v@outlook.com. Send me your backup and tell how you was updating the firmware to 1.89 version and your card/motherboard model.
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Re: Intel I225-V/I225-LM Rev 1.x Lan Controllers Firmware Version 1.89

1 年 1 个月 �
I also encountered the same problem in Win11 and the problem persisted even after shutting down VBS.
Do you have any solutions now?

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