Information! Hello everyone, Station-Drivers will change servers between July 27th & 29th for a more powerful and faster server, thus avoiding the slowdowns you are experiencing. The site may be inaccessible 24H during the transition, still sorry for the inconvenience.

A big thank you to those who allowed me to change servers with their donations (list of donors)

audio Question Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

Réponse de erpster96 sur le sujet Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

Posted il y a 5 mois 2 jours #2478

Realtek Audio 6.0.9632.1 UAD (深圳市索沃思数码有限公司):


this 9632 UAD/DCH driver has only hdxsstwhite.inf & hdxwhite.inf files

Realtek Audio Universal Service - 1.0.708.0

Realtek Hardware Support Application - 11.0.6000.322

also latest Realtek Audio Universal Service SWC driver is v1.0.710.0 from this Realtek USB Audio 6.3.9600.2376 driver that I mentioned here several days ago.
Last Edit:il y a 5 mois 2 jours par erpster96
Dernière édition: il y a 5 mois 2 jours par erpster96.
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: fikotr74

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Réponse de erpster96 sur le sujet Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

Posted il y a 5 mois 1 jour #2479
v6.0.9632.1 UAD Asus Dolby {NB/laptop} driver from ASUS (posted 2/19/2024)


v6.0.9632.1 UAD drivers from MS Update ("white" 9632 driver posted 2/24/2024, acer/quanta driver posted 2/26/2024, clevo 9632 driver posted 3/01/2024, asus & all oem 9632 drivers posted 3/21/2024)

{ direct cab download to 9632 "white" driver - size 11.5Mb}
{ direct cab download to 9632 acer/quanta driver - size 11.7Mb}
{ direct cab download to 9632 clevo driver - size 11.5Mb}
{ direct cab download to 9632 asus driver - size 11.7Mb} > late release
{ direct cab download to 9632 all oem driver - size 12.2Mb} > late release


Realtek Audio Universal Service - 1.0.710.0 > { download here }

edit 2/26
edit 2nd time 3/2 - added link to 9632 clevo driver from ms
edit 3rd time 3/22 - added links to 9632 asus & all oem drivers from ms, which were released late March 2024
Last Edit:il y a 4 mois 4 jours par erpster96
Dernière édition: il y a 4 mois 4 jours par erpster96.
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: admin, Ataemonus, fikotr74

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Réponse de erpster96 sur le sujet Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

Posted il y a 4 mois 4 semaines #2497
v6.0.9646.1 UAD Asrock driver from ASRock (posted 2/27/2024)
par erpster96
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Ataemonus, fikotr74, Corendo

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Réponse de erpster96 sur le sujet Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

Posted il y a 4 mois 3 semaines #2505
v6.0.9638.1 UAD Lenovo {NB/laptop} driver + Intel HDASST driver + Dolby APO drivers from Lenovo (posted 2/28/2024)
{ download here - release notes }
-includes Realtek APO1 drivers {12.0.6000.1167 for win10 & 13.0.6000.1167 for win11}, has only HDXLVSST.inf file
par erpster96
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Ataemonus, fikotr74

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Réponse de oandras sur le sujet Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

Posted il y a 4 mois 3 semaines #2512
par oandras

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