Information! Hello everyone, Station-Drivers will change servers between July 27th & 29th for a more powerful and faster server, thus avoiding the slowdowns you are experiencing. The site may be inaccessible 24H during the transition, still sorry for the inconvenience.

A big thank you to those who allowed me to change servers with their donations (list of donors)

Site Name :: File Repository RSS

ASM-10xx/11xx/21xx/22xx (ASMT-xxxx) Sata/USB 3.x controllers RSS

Containers Folders/Files

Firmwares pour Asmedia ASM1051 (AS2105) Sata/USB 3.x controllers (firmwares Version 100xxx)


Firmwares pour Asmedia ASM1053 (AS2105) Sata/USB 3.x controllers (firmware Version 13xxx)


Firmwares pour Asmedia ASM2105 Serie SATA/USB 3.0


Firmwares pour Asmedia ASM2115 (ASM1153E) Serie SATA/USB 3.0


Firmwares pour Asmedia ASM2135 Serie SATA/USB 3.1 Gen 2


Firmwares pour Asmedia ASM2235 Serie SATA/USB 3.1 Gen 2


Utilitaires pour Asmedia ASMT-21xx (ASM-105x/115x/215x)

Remository 3.98.14 uses technologies PHP, SQL