--------------- INFORMATION ---------------

Station-Drivers only receives 50% in advertising revenue and the rest from donations so that Station-Drivers survives. I thank some who regularly donate €1, €2, €5, €10, etc. to me and whom I thank enormously.
Thank you for your generosity and your support in continuing my passion and being able to share it.


Intel Network Connections Version 19.5.303.0

Nouveau pack "Intel Network Connections" qui passe de la version 19.5.300.2 a la Version 19.5.303 intégrant juste les drivers pour les chipsets 82579V/82579LM Version & les chipsets I218, I217 Serie Version et l'utilitaire "Intel Proset Utility" Version 19.5.303.0 sous Windows 7/8/8.1/20xx Server.

L'installation du nouveau pack requiert la désinstallation de l'ancien pack.




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