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Intel Network Connections Software Version 27.1


Submitted On:
31 Mar 2022
Intel(R) Network Connections Software Version 27.1 Release Notes
January 28, 2022

This release includes software and drivers for Intel(R) Ethernet adapters and 
integrated network connections.


- What's New in This Release
- Operating System Support
- Discontinued Support
- User Guides
- Intel Fiber Optic Connections
- Installing Drivers and Intel(R) PROSet
- Saving and Restoring Adapter Settings in Microsoft Windows* operating systems
- Configuring SR-IOV for improved network security
- Power Management and System Wake
- RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) Notes
- Device Notes
- Notes for Microsoft Operating Systems
- Teaming Notes
- Known Issues
- Customer Support

What's New in This Release

- Linux* support for Intel(R) Ethernet Network Adapter E810-C-Q2T 
- Intel(R) Ethernet 800 Series devices now support user mode RDMA in FreeBSD, 
through the libirdma provider library. 
- Support for Debian* 11
- Support for Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* (RHEL) 8.5 on all Intel(R) Ethernet 
- End of support for the Microsoft Windows v1q driver. This driver will no 
longer be tested or updated. The driver may still be provided in your download 
package or on your install media for your convenience.

Operating System Support

Supported operating systems
The drivers in this release have been tested with the following operating 
systems. Additional OSs may function with our drivers but are not tested.
- Microsoft* Windows Server* 2022 
- Microsoft Windows Server, version 2004
- Microsoft Windows Server 2019, Version 1903
- Microsoft Windows Server 2019
- Microsoft Windows Server 2016
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012
- Microsoft* Windows* 10 21H2
- Microsoft Windows 10, version 2004
- Microsoft Windows 10, Version 1809
- Microsoft Windows 8.1
- Microsoft Azure Stack HCI
- VMWare* ESXi* 7.0
- VMWare ESXi 6.7
- VMWare ESXi 6.5
- VMWare ESXi 6.0
- Linux*, v2.4 kernel or higher
- Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* (RHEL) 8.5 
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9
- SUSE* Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 15 SP3
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5
- Canonical* Ubuntu* 20.04 LTS 
- Canonical Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Debian* 11
- FreeBSD* 13.0 
- FreeBSD 12.2
Submitted On:
31 Mar 2022
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