Information! Hello everyone, Station-Drivers will change servers between July 27th & 30th for a more powerful and faster server, thus avoiding the slowdowns you are experiencing. The site may be inaccessible 24H during the transition, still sorry for the inconvenience.

A big thank you to those who allowed me to change servers with their donations (list of donors)


Intel USB 3.0 Controller Drivers Version WHQL (Serie 8)

Nouveau pack des drivers Intel USB 3.0 Controller pour les chipsets Intel Série 8 sous Windows 7 (32/64)

Release note:

- USB3.0 monitor application may not work correctly when it's forced shutdown
- Some internal devices might be recognized as removable devices

- Improved the robustness during S4 stress test

Ce qui est assez étrange et le fait qu'Intel fait marche arrière au niveau de la dernière version.

Est-ce le but de différencier les chipsets Série 8 & 9 du pack 3.x comme la version 1.x ?

 Wait and see


La Verison datant du 20/02/2014

La Version WHQL datant du 25/03/2014  

Ces deux packs concernent les chipsets Série 8 ci-dessous:

%IUsb3HubDeviceDescRoot% = IUsb3HubModel, IUSB3\ROOT_HUB30
%IUsb3HubDeviceDesc01% = IUsb3HubModel, IUSB3\CLASS_09&SUBCLASS_00&PROT_01
%IUsb3HubDeviceDesc02% = IUsb3HubModel, IUSB3\CLASS_09&SUBCLASS_00&PROT_02
%IUsb3HubDeviceDesc03% = IUsb3HubModel, IUSB3\CLASS_09&SUBCLASS_00&PROT_03
%IUsb3HubDeviceDesc04% = IUsb3HubModel, IUSB3\CLASS_09



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