Intel Network Connections Software Version 21.1.270 WHQL


Submitted On:
25 Oct 2016

 Windows, Linux, Ms-Dos 

Intel(R) Network Connections Software Version 21.1 Release Notes ================================================================ August 15, 2016

This release includes software and drivers for Intel(R) adapters and integrated network connections.

Contents ========

- What's New in This Release - Configuring SR-IOV for improved network security - Operating System Support - Installing Drivers and Intel(R) PROSet for Windows* Device Manager - User Guides - Intel Fiber Optic Adapters - Saving and Restoring Adapter Settings in Microsoft Windows operating systems - Teaming Notes - Jumbo Frames - Power Management and System Wake - Microsoft* Windows* 8.1 and Windows Server* 2012 R2 Notes - Microsoft* Windows* 8 and Windows Server* 2012 Notes - Microsoft* Windows* 7 and Windows Server* 2008 R2 Notes - Intel(R) X710 and XL710 Network Adapter Notes - Intel(R) 10GbE Network Adapter Notes - Quad Port Server Adapter Notes - Intel(R) Ethernet Desktop Adapter and Network Connection Notes - Known Issues - Customer Support

What's New in This Release ==========================

- Support for Microsoft* Windows Server* 2016 - Support for Microsoft* Windows Server* 2016 Nano Server - Windows support for Virtual Machine Multiple Queues (VMMQ) - Windows support for Packet Direct Provider Interface (PDPI) - Windows support for Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) - Windows support for Encapsulation Overhead - Windows support for VLAN ID - Support for the Intel(R) Ethernet SDI Adapter FM10420-100GbE-QDA2 - Support for the Intel(R) Ethernet SDI Adapter FM10420-25GbE-DA2 - The prefix for Intel(R) PROSet for Windows* Device Manager ANS teams has   changed from 'TEAM : ' to 'TEAM: '. Please update your scripts accordingly.

Configuring SR-IOV for improved network security ================================================

In a virtualized environment, on Intel(R) Server Adapters that support SR-IOV, the virtual function (VF) may be subject to malicious behavior. Software- generated frames are not expected and can throttle traffic between the host and the virtual switch, reducing performance. To resolve this issue, configure all SR-IOV enabled ports for VLAN tagging. This configuration allows unexpected, and potentially malicious, frames to be dropped.

Teams and VLANs are not supported on Microsoft* Windows* 10 ===========================================================

Intel(R) Advanced Network Services (Intel(R) ANS) Teams and VLANs are not supported on Microsoft* Windows* 10. Any Teams or VLANs created with Release 20.1, 20.2 or 20.3 on a Windows 10 system will be corrupted and cannot be upgraded to version 20.4. The version 20.4 installer will remove existing Teams and VLANs. Team members that are not Intel devices will not be renamed back to their original names. This is cosmetic only and does not change their functionality. Reinstall their drivers to get the original names back.

Inclus Firmwares & Utilitaires

Latest Version

Submitted On:
17 Mar 2017
File Size:
121 484 697 octets
File Version:
21.1.270 WHQL
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