Information! Hello everyone, Station-Drivers will change servers between July 27th & 29th for a more powerful and faster server, thus avoiding the slowdowns you are experiencing. The site may be inaccessible 24H during the transition, still sorry for the inconvenience.

A big thank you to those who allowed me to change servers with their donations (list of donors)

Intel GNA Scoring Accelerator Version


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Intel GNA Scoring Accelerator Version

Date & Version: 11/14/2023,

WHQL: 11/01/24

Officiel: Non

Sous: Windows 10/11 64bits

Codes IDS:

PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5A11   ;GNA 0.9
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3190   ;GNA 1.0
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_4511   ;GNA 1.0
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8A11   ;GNA 1.0
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9A11   ;GNA 2.0
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_4E11   ;GNA 2.0
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_4C11   ;GNA 2.0
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_464F   ;GNA 3.0
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A74F   ;GNA 3.0
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_467E   ;GNA 3.0
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_7E4C   ;GNA 3.5
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_AE4C   ;GNA 3.5
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_774C   ;GNA 3.5

Release note:

##  [GNA_03.05.00.1578] 2023-10-30
### Modified
-    'Removed excessive traces, reduced wait timeout to 10, added regs release guard'

##  [GNA_03.05.00.1577] 2023-08-25
### Modified
-    'Updated INFs to meet DIRID criteria'

##  [GNA_03.05.00.1574] 2022-09-30
### Added
-    'New GNA 3.0 HWIDs'

##  [] 2022-01-20
### Added
-    'New GNA 3.5 HWIDs'

##  [] 2021-09-15
### Fixed
-    'HSD16014575636 The Unit run WHQL test occur BSOD(0xE6)'
-    'CA issues'
-    'inf2cat timestamp issue'
-    'SDV invalid request issue'
### Changed
-    'Updated project for latest WDK'
-    'Moved legacy API to Driver.h'
### Added
-    'IRQL tracing and KeRaiseIrql for additional protection'

##  [] 2021-06-11
### Changed
-    'Updated version to 3.5'

## [] 2021-06-10
### Removed
-    'Unnecessary 2.0 QoS feature'

## [] 2021-06-02
### Fixed
-    'HSD22013185173 incorrect HWID on platform SoC'

## [] 2021-05-31
### Fixed
-    'Non-HW related parameters rejected by invalid condition'

## [] 2021-05-14
### Added
-    '3.0 QoS feature'

## [] 2021-05-05
### Fixed
-    'Minor security issues'

## [] 2021-04-19
### Added
-    'File Digest Algorithm to enable EWDK test-signing'

## [] 2021-03-23
### Fixed
-    'Added missing HWID for GNA 3.0 in inf'

## [] 2021-03-15
### Added
-    'Another HWID for GNA 3.0'

## [] 2020-10-22
### Changed
-    'Refactored memory mapping mechanism'

## [] 2020-08-28
### Fixed
-    'Secure memory map/unmap flow for invalid request object in map cncl evnt'

## [] 2020-07-28
### Fixed
-    'Fixed missing security permissions 2'

## [] 2020-07-23
### Removed
-    'Legacy interrupt support, simplified project'

## [] 2020-07-22
### Fixed
-    'Fixed missing security permissions'

## [] 2020-07-21
### Changed
-    'Merged Release 2.0 changes'

## [] - 2020-07-01
### Changed
-    'Update GNA 3.5 HWID'
-    'Code cleanup for release and protex issues'

### Fixed
-    'WDK 20H1 warning fixes'

## 2020-06-26
### Fixed
-    'WDK 20H1 warning fixes'
-    'Security Review - Code review fixes'

## [] - 2020-05-26
### Added
-    'Model error reporting'
-    'DDI: Notify removal'
-    '20h1 WDK support'

Submitted By:
Fdrsoft (admin)
Submitted On:
04 Apr 2024
File Size:
296.30 Kb
File Version:
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