Information! Hello everyone, Station-Drivers will change servers between July 27th & 29th for a more powerful and faster server, thus avoiding the slowdowns you are experiencing. The site may be inaccessible 24H during the transition, still sorry for the inconvenience.

A big thank you to those who allowed me to change servers with their donations (list of donors)

Asmedia ASM-105x SATA/USB 3.0 Firmware Version 101007_00_7F_04


Full screenshots disabled

Firmware history:

Version: 101007_00_7F_04 (Beta)
Date: 10/1/2012
Added: Supports HDD spin down for suspend/U3 command
Added: Supports HDD spin down after save removal on Mac
Changed: Disable support for 4K sectors (requires re-formatting the HDD after the firmware update)

Version: 101007_00_7F_03
Date: 8/8/2011
Added: Support for large volumes over 2TB on Windows XP (requires re-formatting the HDD after firmware update)

Submitted By:
Fdrsoft (admin)
Submitted On:
26 Jul 2017
File Size:
816.35 Kb
File Version:
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