Samsung SSD840EVO Performance Restoration


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Pour SSD 840Evo

Samsung is releasing a new firmware and performance restoration software package for the 840 EVO and 840 EVO mSATA.
The firmware update is recommended to users who may have experienced any drop in read performance of the mentioned drives.
Running the software packages provided will first update the firmware(840 EVO : EXT0CB6Q, 840 EVO mSATA : EXT42B6Q),
then scan and calibrate all existing data on the drive.
Note that the update time can be more than an hour depending on the amount of data.
                        Please wait for the firmware update to complete before starting any other operations.

For details, please refer to Samsung Performance Restoration v.1.0 Installation guide below


Soumis par:
Fdrsoft (admin)
Soumis le:
18 Oct 2014
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